Midas (I) --- 2024
Midas is a one-on one- performance series about Trans- and Queer shame. It is a cry to not fall into the pitfalls of shame and get lost in the keeping of secrets. With openness we can fight the shaming for unchangeable and harmless characteristics. Openness as radical resistance. Mario Mieli inpires me in this with his quote:
“I keep my treasure in my arse, but then my arse is open for everyone...” (Towards a Gay Communism, 1977)
The paintings are visualizations of the performance, and at the same time also the inspiration for the performance. Body hair, shells and personal writings are repeating patterns. During my performance I wrote my secrets in shells and burried them next to the marram grass. The grass will grow here and whisper my secrets, just like the Greek myth of King Midas and the Donkey Ears. Only I choose to share my secrets. I hope that the secrets will spread . That everyone will hear them, recognize themselves in my shame or become conscious of its existence.